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Wandering Wellness

Self care all day everyday!

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Writer's pictureSarah Epstein

Welcome to Wandering Wellness

Throughout my entire life I have been longing for a place to go to where I can vent and discuss topics that I am passionate about. I realized a week ago that I find comfort and release when writing my thoughts down. But sometimes I find that I want those thoughts to be shared to the public. To the people who may be feeling the same or to the people who want to understand. I want this blog site to be a flexible place. Somewhere where I can throw ideas, questions, highlights, or tips for bettering your overall health and wellness. At the end of the day that is the ultimate goal of this for me. I want others to feel ready to accept any challenges they are facing. We often find ourselves, running as fast as we can to gain this beautiful perfect life. We ignore the things that make us vulnerable. We run from our fears instead of facing them. We disregard when we are flawed in a situation. Personal reflection and self care are what I find to be the most essential thing to beginning your developmental growth. I do not want these blogs to come off as me mastering any skills whatsoever. If I am being honest, this may be the place where I am just now beginning. There will be complete downfalls because that is what overall wellness is all about. The ability to acknowledge when we are not doing okay. The ability to acknowledge that we may need help. The ability to acknowledge how we can grow. The ability to acknowledge when it is time for a change. Change is scary, believe me. I woke up in fear when I realized Bagel Place across from my apartment was closed down for good. But I accepted the change. I acknowledged that it made me upset and anxious, and carried on with my day (a glimpse into my slow personal growth and development). These posts may not personally reflect on your life and that is okay. It really is just a deeper look into my advice and thoughts on certain things. There are no rules for this. So if you want to subscribe, do it! But if you find that you are not ready to begin your wellness journey then don’t. But do not give up hope that you will eventually find a push to start. I see it in you and I believe in you. Welcome and enjoy!

Stuck in my head: Agape by Nicholas Britell

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