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Wandering Wellness

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Writer's pictureSarah Epstein

Music On My Mind

I went to sleep and woke up with one thing on my mind. Music. I have been wanting to express my love for music on this but I have had trouble coming up with the words to describe the passion I feel. I will describe it the best I can..

I am in awe of the gift we all are fortunate to have. Music is something that invisibly connects us to something greater than ourselves. It heals certain wounds that cannot be touched. It can describe a feeling or a place where you are at a loss for words. Someone else already knows what you feel and is there to catch you. How magnificent is that? Someone knows the words to hold you. Music has been around for years on end but I fear that its true beauty might be slipping away. I will always appreciate the older styles that shaped the music we have today. I find myself incorporating music everywhere in my life. I will spend time closing my eyes and playing music as I lay in my bed either when I wake up or as I sleep. It helps clear the mind. It is soothing beyond words. I feel overwhelmed at times by how many pieces of art are out there that I am missing out on. How can I find all of these songs? When I feel overwhelmed I remind myself of something. I tell myself that when I find a song that I fall in love with, it comes at a certain time in my life. Yes, I do the research and spend a lengthy amount of time on Spotify discover weekly, but when I find that song that seeps into my soul and lights up a spark, I know that it has connected with me at the right time. The song found me.

Music is an expression that the mind releases. There are sounds that transport you to another world. Pure imagination awakes. I feel sorry for the people who do not see the inner beauty behind each song. I am grateful for my childhood friends who feel the same way that I do about music. Let’s celebrate the gift of music. For it is meant to hold you through your darkest moments. Release into it and fall in love with a song.

Stuck in my head: Quits by Flume, Reo Cragun

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