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Wandering Wellness

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Writer's pictureSarah Epstein

I Love Me, Say It Back

Lately I have been seeing the people around me starting to lose their love for themselves. I do not know if it has something to do with the pressure of being a perfect twenty one year old with amazing grades, steady minds, core friends, or suitable lovers. Or perhaps it could be this disconnect with self reflection. It is hard to be fearless in a time where we are constantly surrounded by fear. We want to be stable for ourselves. But is being stable the true step towards self fulfillment? Do we want to be seeking this highest goal of not having any chaos? There are things we cannot control. Things that our mind has a lot of power over. People who will hurt us and betray us without any explanation or reasoning. But there is one thing we do have control and power over. Our self love. Choosing to accept all of the madness we create. Loving the way we are. Loving the way we are created. Being safe in one's own body. Knowing that at the end of the day you come back to yourself. You are the one you sleep with every night. You are the one who wakes up with you. You are the person that has truly seen every waking moment in your life. Is that not so beautiful? That we have our own self to take on the world with? I want myself and anyone who reads this to take a moment to observe your inner mind. Think about the things that you do not want to change about yourself. Think about the skills you have that not many people will ever attain. Think about the way you love. My god you can love in so many different ways. You are so capable and beautiful. Who cares if you have a fear that you cannot fight with. Accept that it is something you have. You did not ask for anything. You are not to blame. You are gifted with the ability to have obstacles and overcome them. Everyone is given different types of limits. But it is up to you how you want to handle the limitations. Do you want to hide behind them and never let them go? Or do you want to embrace and love that it is your fear and your personal obstacle to face? Savor it. Work together not against yourself. Fall in love with your soul. It was created for you.

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