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Wandering Wellness

Self care all day everyday!

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Writer's pictureSarah Epstein

HelloFresh, Sponser Me!

I hate cooking. I hate cooking. I hate cooking! Or at least that’s what I thought. Everyone who knows me knows that I absolutely hated cooking for a majority of my life. High school was based on frozen meals, microwavable Mac n Cheese and ordering Chipotle all of the time. It was not until my senior year when I began cooking small and easy things such as salads, cold sandwiches, and stir fry. I was one of the worst chefs of all time, and looking back at what I used to make, I realized that I really did not have a love for food because of how horrid the taste of my meals were. This past summer I began slowly incorporating different seasonings to my meals such as garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper (basic I know but I am telling you I was lost in the sauce when it came to cooking). With the help from my friends, I began expanding my food palate. From trying shrimp for the first time to having my very first caprese salad (which now is my go to salad thank you very much)! Now here we are. Caroline Fleetwood deserves the credit for the love I have for HelloFresh, so props to her. I came to her telling her my frustrations with cooking healthy, tasteful, and unique meals for myself. I wanted meals that would excite me. Meals that would push my limits. I looked at the meals she had planned and I immediately jumped on the horse. I signed up and ordered my meals for the next week and that Sunday they arrived. Overwhelmed as I was, I did not know if I could handle it. There were nights of frustration and disappointment in my cooking abilities. I had little to no experience handling raw meat or making any types of sauces. I could not figure out how to mince garlic, cut certain vegetables the proper way, or zest lemons (if anyone knows how to do this I still do not know please help me). Now I am a new woman. Confident in the kitchen you could say. I get my HelloFresh meals and I am pumped for the week to come. I take my time making my dinner and I portion out of my food to not binge my dinner (I hate feeling too stuffed at night time). I am lucky that there is a business that provides such an easy and efficient process to making dinner. I am lucky that I have given myself the patience and time to really understand what I like and don’t like in my foods. However, there is always room for growth and I am not fully where I want to be. But it is because of HelloFresh that I am now eager to learn more about food, the culture behind it, and how I can continue to push myself to try new things. I will always be thankful for my HelloFresh Sunday packages every week :)

Stuck in my head: Tiderays by Volcano Choir

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