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Wandering Wellness

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Writer's pictureSarah Epstein

Finding Your Green

The green symbolizes the heart. A woman during my yoga training explained to me how she has been focusing on her green. Focusing on how she can show more love, be more in love, and spread more love. When we were going through the different chakras- she said all she saw was green. At the crown of her head there was lime green all around when she focused her attention on it. I asked her why she saw green and I saw nothing when I would shut my eyes. She said because she has been honoring the green in her life. She has been so focused on her heart that it spread to her entire body when meditating. The thing about love is it can show up in many different forms. The love for a dog may be different than the love for a partner. The next step after losing the thing you loved is grief. How do you get back on your feet to expand your love? It is so easy to shut down the idea of loving after losing it. But does that defeat the purpose of the way you are spreading your green? How in our hardest times do we continue to show compassion, empathy, respect, and gratitude? I was advised today to shift my gear. You change your reaction to things. Traffic insane on the highway? Maybe there was an accident and someone is hurt. Show compassion for what that person is going through. Broke up with someone you fell for? Practice gratitude for experiencing a higher power of connection with someone. Why limit ourselves? Open the door to something new for yourself. Open your mind to treating things with love. Know that you are releasing negative feelings by just observing them outside of your body and detaching from them. I have find that when you are honest with someone with the way you feel there is less shame and embarrassment but rather freedom. Having the freedom to tell someone you love that you love them! Freedom to share a moment of inspiration that you had from someone. Freedom to admire your surroundings.

As I embark on my yoga journey I want to take you with me on all there is to explore. Each week I will discuss a sutra, experience, or self realization that will benefit my self growth this summer. Theme for this week: I want to focus on my green.

Stuck in my head: End Credits by dne

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